Fall Prevention

Wisconsinites love boasting about our bests, from cheese to breweries to sandy vacation spots, too. But here’s one title we need to fix: the CDC ranks Wisconsin first in the nation for fall-related deaths among older adults. Unfortunately, the fall rate in the Badger state continues to climb.

Understanding the Data
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, responding to falls accounted for 18% of ambulance runs in 2022. This figure is consistent with data from Cross Plains EMS, where falls were our top call last month.


Common But Preventable
Despite our slippery weather, most falls occur inside the home. Residents and their caregivers can decrease injury from falls by studying and responding to household obstacles, and preparing for fall prevention.

Tip 1. Walk the home, looking for tripping hazards and uneven surfaces. What can be removed? What can be rearranged? Where are handrails needed? Walk the home again with a mobility device, paying particular attention to stair surfaces, cords, rugs, tight corners, and doorframes.

Tip 2. Encourage older adults to bring up fall prevention at their doctor appointments. Multiple medications, dips in blood pressure, and deteriorating vision increase the chance of falling.

Tip 3. Gentle home exercises strengthen muscles, improve balance, and provide increased stability for aging patients. Practice actions that cause unsteadiness with a caregiver, such as getting in and out of a chair or bed, to see where interventions are needed the most.